How to create a page experiment

This guide outlines the streamlined process for setting up and launching a page experiment with Elevate A/B Testing, enabling you to effectively test and optimize various page layouts and elements on your Shopify store.

Step 1: Create an Experiment

  • Navigate to Dashboard: Access the Elevate A/B Testing dashboard and go to the 'Experiments' section.

  • Initiate Experiment: Click on 'New Experiment', then choose 'Page Experiment' from the dropdown menu to start the process for a new page experiment.

Step 2: Enter Test Details

  • Name Your Experiment: Provide a meaningful name for your experiment to easily track its progress.

  • Add Description and Hypothesis: Although optional, including a detailed description and hypothesis can enrich your experiment, outlining the purpose behind the test and what you anticipate discovering.

Step 3: Select a Template for Testing

  • Choose a Template: From your live theme, select a Shopify template to be the basis of your test. This could range from Homepages to Product pages, depending on your focus.

  • Template Selection: Pick the specific template you wish to test and move to the next phase.

Step 4: Create Your Test Variant

  • Option 1 - Duplicate Original Template: Elevate A/B Testing will duplicate your selected template, creating a test variant that you can edit in the Shopify Theme Editor.

  • Option 2 - Select a Different Template: If you have a pre-made template you want to test, select it from your theme to include as a variant.

Step 5: Allocate Traffic Percentages and Name Variations

  • Adjust Traffic Distribution: Default traffic split is 50/50, but you can customize this to fit your experiment's needs.

  • Name Variations: Give each variation a unique name to easily differentiate and analyze their performance.

Step 6: Set Total Traffic Needed for Completion

  • Define Traffic Goal: Establish the total visitor count required for your experiment to achieve statistical significance and reliable results.

Step 7: Sync Third-Party App Integrations

  • Ensure Compatibility: Verify that all third-party apps, including those used for special functionalities like bulk purchases or subscription options, are properly integrated with your test variants for consistent user experience.

Step 8: Conduct Quality Assurance (QA)

  • Review and Test: Before going live, conduct a thorough QA of your test setup to ensure that all elements function as intended and that the test variations accurately reflect the changes you're investigating.

By methodically following these steps, you're well-equipped to execute a page experiment using Elevate A/B Testing. This approach not only facilitates the exploration of different page designs and functionalities but also provides valuable insights to refine user experience and engagement on your Shopify store.

Last updated