How to create a price experiment

This guide walks you through the updated process of creating and launching a price experiment in Elevate A/B Testing for your Shopify store, ensuring you can optimize your pricing strategies with precision and ease.

Step 1: Create an Experiment

  • In the Elevate A/B Testing dashboard, navigate to the 'Experiments' section via the menu.

  • Click on 'New Experiment', then select 'Price Experiment' from the dropdown menu to initiate a new pricing experiment.

Step 2: Enter Test Details

Provide a name for your experiment. Though optional, adding a detailed description and a hypothesis can be beneficial. The description should outline what you're testing and why, while the hypothesis should state what you expect to learn or prove with the experiment.

Step 3: Select Product for Testing

  • Choose the main product you wish to run the experiment on. If you already have variations of the product created for testing different price points, elements, or features, you can select these directly.

  • If you need to create a new variation, click 'Duplicate Product' to generate a copy of the selected product. You can then edit this duplicate to apply the changes desired for your experiment.

Step 4: Allocate Traffic Percentages and Name Variations

  • By default, traffic to the control and variations will be split evenly. If you wish to adjust this, you can modify the traffic percentage allocated to each variation, ensuring the total sums up to 100%.

  • Provide names for each variation by updating the input field on the top left of each experiment variation card. This helps in easily identifying and tracking the performance of each variation.

Step 5: Set Total Traffic Needed for Completion

Determine the total amount of traffic needed for the experiment to be considered complete. Setting a traffic goal helps in achieving statistically significant results, ensuring the data collected is reliable for making informed decisions.

Step 6: Create Your Experiment

After setting up your experiment with all necessary details and configurations, click 'Create Your Experiment'. This action moves the experiment into the review process.

Step 7: Copy Reviews to Duplicate Products

Ensure you transfer any existing reviews from the original product to its duplicate. On the experiment review page within Elevate A/B Testing, we provide a text box containing the specific information you need to forward to your reviews application provider. They will assist in replicating the reviews onto the duplicate products, maintaining consistency and trustworthiness across your product pages.

Step 8: Sync Third-Party App Integrations

Ensure that all third-party app integrations, such as those for bulk purchases, subscription options, and others affecting the product page or product functionalities, are correctly set up with the duplicate products. This ensures that the experiment variations provide a consistent and seamless shopping experience, mirroring the original product setups.

Step 9: Conduct Quality Assurance (QA)

It's crucial to ensure that the duplicate product page mirrors the original, except for the intended changes. Conduct a thorough quality assurance (QA) check of the experiment to verify it's functioning as expected. Guidance on this process can be found in the provided QA documentation.

By carefully following these steps, you can effectively set up a price experiment in Elevate A/B Testing. This process not only allows you to test various pricing strategies but also equips you with insights to optimize your product pricing for improved performance and customer satisfaction.

Last updated