Price Test QA Checklist

Before launching your price test with Elevate A/B Testing, conducting a thorough quality assurance (QA) check is essential to ensure accurate test results. Follow this step-by-step guide to review and verify the setup of your price test experiments.

Step 1: Access Your Experiment

  1. Navigate to the experiment you wish to review within the Elevate A/B Testing dashboard.

  2. Select the Overview tab to get a detailed view of your experiment.

  3. Scroll down to the Test Groups section, where you'll find the control group alongside the variations you've set up for testing.

Step 2: Review Product Pages

It's critical to compare the control group with each variation to ensure consistency across all elements, except for the specific change you're testing. Here's what to focus on:

  • Preview Pages: Use the Preview option for both the control and each variation. Closely inspect the following elements to confirm they match across all test groups:

    • Price Display: Verify that the correct price is displayed for each test group. If your products have multiple variants, check these as well to ensure prices are accurately reflected.

    • Bulk Purchases and Subscriptions: Ensure that any bulk purchase or subscription options are consistent with what's offered on the live site or within the parameters of your test design.

    • Ratings and Reviews: Confirm that ratings and reviews are identical to those on the live site, maintaining customer trust and test integrity.

    • Media Consistency: Check other media elements such as images, videos, and text. These should be the same as on your live site to prevent any unintended influences on customer behavior.

    • Text References: Pay special attention to text that references prices, discounts, or value propositions (e.g., "20% off on subscriptions" or bundle value descriptions). These should accurately reflect the conditions of your test groups.

Getting Help

If you encounter any uncertainties during your QA process or would like an expert review of your experiment setup, we're here to help:

  • Live Chat Support: For immediate assistance, click on the live chat widget located at the bottom right corner of the Elevate A/B Testing app interface.

  • Email Support: Alternatively, you can reach out via email for a more detailed review of your experiment. Our team is dedicated to ensuring your price tests are set up for success.

This QA checklist is designed to guide you through a meticulous review of your experiment, helping you launch with confidence. Should you need further assistance or have specific questions, do not hesitate to contact our support team.

Last updated